Too many burdens on your back?
At the tail end of last year, I wrote about setting goals and lining yourself up to get things done that’ll make you thankful later on.
Since we’ve now completed close to 5 months of this year, how are things going for you? Did you follow through and get a plan in place? How did your planning work out thus far and do you feel you’re making progress?
Assuming your tax return for 2015 has been knocked out, perhaps that tax bill got you wondering if there are things you should or could do differently.
This is an ideal time of year to take the time to review this year’s tax aftermath and look toward optimizing this year. Don’t make the mistake of assuming you’re already doing all you can; contact me for some help.
Helping others proactively reduce their tax burden where possible is a key service I offer and a challenge I enjoy tackling. Taxes are nearly everyone’s number one expense and often enough, one of the biggest obstacles that can keep you from reaching your goals.
All tax payers should take the time to review and optimize their tax bill, but if you are a ‘high-earner’ ($200K plus per year), you need to be especially pro-active with your tax planning.
There are a number of planning strategies that can be implemented in order to help you shelter more of your income as well as current holdings that have greatly appreciated over the years, including:
- retirement planning
- charitable planning and
- special alternative investment programs
Most importantly, be sure you’re tying everything together in your own individual wealth management plan to help take care of current issues and line you up efficiently for the future.
Please contact me with any questions that you may have. As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM professional, I can help you make sure that you have the right people on your team to coordinate all of your planning when it comes to reducing taxes or other important financial matters. I want to help you make optimal use of your money each and every year.