In order to develop and keep long lasting and intimate relationships with clients, only certain people are a good fit for the financial planning services of Bowers Private Wealth Management. A great deal of time will be invested in you from the onset. Because of this, personality, communication style and overall chemistry must be a good fit for all involved.
In general, clients are introduced to Bowers Private Wealth Management based on a need for help in developing a strategy to handle a key financial event in your life such as divorce, retirement, inheritance or charitable giving. Sometimes there is a need to have better servicing on your company retirement plan, or to simply get a plan in place. At other points in your life, you may need help with accumulating assets for retirement, or simply planning a strategy for your income during retirement. Many clients often need help with establishing a legacy, basically making sure that their wealth is properly transferred to those that they care about. Proper wealth transfer can involve succession planning for your small business, or simply minimizing the impact of taxes.
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